
green birthday gift





sandwich wrap with serged edges

My nephew is turning 6, and his mom asked if I would make reusable snack bags and a sandwich wrap for him, and of course I was delighted! For this set I decided to add a little reverse applique and stamped lettering on the outside of the bags and the sandwich wrap. On the inside, I stenciled a piece of bread to illustrate how to use the wrap, and used a gallon size Ziploc bag (cut apart) on the inside.  These are super fast and easy refashions made from an old shirt (blue) and linen from my scrap bin.   

We have a number of these around our house and they get used all the time (see more here and here).  After a few uses I just throw them in the wash and hang them to dry.  

These are on the top of my stocking stuffer list this year!


  1. What a great idea.

  2. Hi, there-I just came across your blog this morning - what wonderful ideas! I am always keen on reusable lunch bags, and these are adorable. Ill be sure to check out your Etsy shop.I only started my blog a couple weeks ago, and I thought I was being unique - But Im sure theres lots of room online for Saltwater kids, moms, dads, goats, etc!

  3. Thank you for all your kind comments!

  4. Man, I wish I had a serger! Those are very clever. I am intrigued by the plastic lining... Yes, Im going to have to try that. Thanks for sharing (found you on Wardrobe Refashion)!

  5. do you wash the ziplock bags wraps just by hand or in the machine? I love the idea and I have some in my house I could make these today!

  6. The great thing about the snack bags and sandwich wraps is that I can just throw them in the washing machine and then hang them to dry!
