
custom soccer cookie favors



My oldest son LOVES playing soccer, and lucky for him we have an indoor soccer center just a few miles from our house so he can play all year round.  The past two seasons my husband has been the coach, which has provided me with the opportunity to get a little crafty in the sporting department.

Last season, I designed certificates for each of the players, but this time I thought it would be fun to do something a little different... a little sweeter.  So, when I came across this tutorial and recipe, I knew instantly it was just what I was looking for.  The wrapper is a CD sleeve - Genius!  These soccer cookie favors were so fun to make, and even more fun to eat.  Yes, I sampled one four - you know, for quality control purposes.

I can see myself making many more of these in the future for birthdays, thank-you gifts, teacher appreciation... oh, the possibilities!


  1. Oh the possibilities is right! Thanks for the link!

  2. That looks great. Is that a sticker going over the top to keep it closed?

  3. I have a birthday coming up and since the Kindergarten teacher prefers cookies over cupcakes, this is it!! Thanks for passing on the inspiration!

  4. I purchased white internet shipping labels (5.5X 8.5) and they are actually very sturdy and do a great job of keeping the flap closed!

  5. So glad you like the tutorial!! :) Yours look great!

  6. What a wonderful idea. I love fresh food as gifts and the CD cases-so clever....I'm a new subscriber :)
