
easter buckets

Once again I found myself frantically crafting on the eve of the school Easter party - trying to create unique baskets for my boys.  The bags I made last year were fun, but I felt like they were a little too cutesy.  Luckily we took a family outing to Home Depot last night and I spied these paint buckets, and I knew they would be perfect.  And surprise surprise, the boys LOVE them.  My Little guy dumped a handful of dirt in his bucket on the way in the house last night and started "haulin' it to his job-site."  
I painted on the grass (it is not the best paint job), and the boys thought it was great - and that's all that matters!

Materials: (estimated time: 5-10min)
  • Empty (new) paint can (I found this one on the end-cap of the paint isle) ~$4
  • green paint
  • brush


  1. what a creative and great idea :)

  2. Thats a dang cute idea. Once my little boys realize that boys only like tough and manly stuff, Im sure Ill be ditching their cutesy baskets for something like this. Thanks!

  3. Adorable and so original. Im really wishing we had some old paint cand lying around.And I love the chicky basket from last year. I say go cutesy when they are young and cant argue.

  4. OH Emily, this is so cool! Love the idea!

  5. you can just buy empty paint cans like that? How much?

  6. we found them at Home Depot for about $4 - and yes the are empty!

  7. found you via MADE and I love this idea!
    I have a can that has been waiting around for a good project. I think I have a date with my craft room tonight!
    thanks for such a sweet idea.

  8. LOVE this! Such a perfect bucket for a little boy.
