
a great book

I was so excited to get this in the mail yesterday.  I read about it on a blog somewhere (I wish I could remember where) and I purchased it from Amazon moments later.  Normally, I am strictly a Library gal, but for some reason I knew I had to own this one.  It is an amazing resource - a must have for anyone in the handmade biz, or curious about getting started!


  1. Yeah! Its good! Im almost through. Im blogging a bit about it too. http://igotanotion.wordpress.com/2010/03/17/research-2-setting-goals/

  2. Do you think this would apply to selling handmade items in Australia as well or is it more focused on the American market?

  3. This book offers great tips for selling in general, so I am sure it can be easliy be applied to selling in Austrailia. Ans it is an excellent resource for online selling.
