Well, it was a successful Halloween around here - no costume malfunctions, no meltdowns, and best of all, no rain!
This last minute costume was made using freezer paper stencils, and came together just hours before the school Halloween party on Friday. The first costume, Artzooka!, was great (and he loved it). Unfortunately, not many people around here know about the show, so they just thought he forgot to dress up (he was devastated). So, we put our heads together and came up with this skeleton costume.
My favorite part is the profile of the skull. The idea came from this skeleton costume on Etsy.
One day last week my youngest and I walked into a Halloween store to get some ideas and he saw spotted this viking helmet on the shelf, and he was SOLD. Needless to say, the helmet came home with us, and I guess it was the right choice, because he really played the part well!
The "boots" were made using this tutorial, and they turned out perfect!

Halloween 2011 was fun, and I can't wait to see what costumes they dream up for 2012!
Oh my goodness...they are too cute! I happened upon here while looking for fort kit tutorials, and now I'm trying to get over the shock of finding a great craft blog written by somebody who actually lives right in my town! What are the chances??? So fun!